2020 – Das etwas andere Jahr – Ein Rückblick

Claudia und Christoph sowie unsere Labradore Lockthorn Dice, Limcreek Eyleen und Brandy von der Mohnenfluh schauen zurück auf ein Jahr mit vielen Überraschungen.

Ein spezielles Jahr neigt sich dem Ende entgegen. 2020 wird wohl nicht so schnell in Vergessenheit geraten. Trotz Corona – so scheint mir – gibt es eine ganze Menge Positives, das in Erinnerung bleibt. Alle die Anlässe, Reisen, Zusammenkünfte, die im Laufe dieses Jahres nicht haben stattfinden können, werden dafür heute für künftige Aktivitäten ins Auge gefasst. Pläne halten somit unsere Träume am Leben.

2020 – That Was The Year That Was

2020, a special year, is coming to its close. It will most certainly be remembered for a long time. Despite Corona Pandemic, plenty of positive moments can be recalled in our memories. On top of this, all events, journeys and reunions we were forced to cancel and postpone, now become our firm plans for the future. Plans which keep our dreams alive.

Summery of Picture Report in English

The pictorial represents a retrospective of our activities in 2020. It was in many ways a somewhat difficult year. It started with hip surgery early January. After I got a knee prosthesis one year earlier, I enjoyed excellent treatment again in the same clinic now. Shortly after that, the only team event for Claudia in gundog work with Labrador «Eileen», the Spessart-Cup (details on https://www.chrisgross.ch/tag/spessart-cup) took place in Germany; the Swiss team achieved an excellent 2nd place. And then came «Corona lockdown». No travels abroad possible, all dog events cancelled. No way of getting to the UK in 2020. We look forward to next year.

We enjoyed our garden (https://www.chrisgross.ch/tag/fruehlingsgarten), did some short trips to the mountains in Switzerland and in Austria (while this was still possible https://www.chrisgross.ch/tag/berglandschaften), had parts of our home repainted and Claudia trained our dogs, specially our young Labrador «Brandy». Later in the year, selected working tests in Switzerland were allowed to be held, and Claudia entered two dogs in their respective categories with very good results of both of them (see detailed report https://www.chrisgross.ch/2020/aktive-und-erfolgreiche-wettkampfsaison).

I still keep up with what’s going on at my former employer, the Emil Frey Group. And since cars at large and veteran cars in particular, and racing are of interest to me, we visited some special locations of Emil Frey. This time, it was to follow the restoration of an Aston Martin DB 2/4 Mk III (it belongs to an old time friend of mine, see https://www.emilfreyclassics.ch) and the activities at the Emil Frey Racing department (https://www.emilfreyracing.com).

Even though many years have gone by since my time in the army (in a tank battalion, as a colonel at the end of my duty), we still have our gatherings. In this special year, we met at Arenenberg, which was the home of Napoleon III for many years (https://napoleonmuseum.tg.ch).

As autumn here was very warm and sunny, the fruits both for squirrels and for humans from the vineyard and from the open fire or at nearby restaurants always offered a great variety of food and drink. Everything is ready for winter to come. And it did come at the beginning of December, as the pictures show. 2020 will be a year to remember. We are lucky that we can enjoy life in good health. And we hope the same applies to you.