Springtime in our Garden – A Variety of Plants and Animals
Der Frühlingsgarten verwöhnt uns und viele Tiere immer wieder aufs Neue. Sommerlich warme Sonnentage und regnerisch kühle Wochenabschnitte sorgen dafür, dass sich Pflanzen und unterschiedlichste Gartenbesucher wohl fühlen. Mitunter sogar gefrässig wohl.
Our garden in springtime is a delight for our eye and offer the visiting animals all sorts of tasty delights. Warm and sunny days and chilly and rainy periods ensure that all visitors in our garden are profitting in their respective way.
A vast variety of flowers and visitors in our garden. Each one of the animals has a preference where to stop and what to collect. There is plenty of food for all of them – with the exception for deers: Rosebuds and water lilies should not be on their daily menu!