Hunde sind Individuen. Je nach Rasse, je nach «Eltern», ja auch innerhalb des Wurfes sind Hunde verschieden, es sind Persönlichkeiten. Claudia bringt es immer wieder fertig, diesen Hunde-Persönlichkeiten Grundsätzliches beizubringen, ohne dass deren Wesensmerkmale vollständig unterdrückt werden.
Dogs learn to share. Already puppies share the source of food, they share toys and places to relax. But also dogs have to be trained to share. Patience has to be trained, too. Dogs have to be trained to wait until it’s their turn for action, until it’s their turn to retrieve. In nature, dogs have to share the habitat with other animals. They have to get along with other living beings in nature. Share the forest, the field, even the airspace with the flying roommates. Our dogs share their daily life with us humans. A dog is sharing all his life, and a dog is waiting all his life. Mostly, without a bad mood.